By Gabriel Hartley, October 22-23, 2012

[NOTE: the following message is from Turehu, a fairy spirit guide of mine, and channeled by me. The island referred to is off the southwestern coast of Finland.]

One of the things we fairies want you to focus on is the structure of the light that shines on the island. Notice that the glow is not simply a homogeneous light mass but is actually made up of light filaments, a mesh of light strands or fibers.


These fibers converge on an infinite number of knots, and each knot serves as a unidimensional portal. If you imagine dropping down from three to two dimensions by subtracting depth, now imagine dropping down from two (height and width) to one—a simple line connecting two or more points. While these knot points occupy a particular geographical point on the surface of the planet with a given latitude and longitude, they are in reality unidimensional points with infinite connectivity with one another. This is another instance of one point being all points at once.


This is how the portal structure operates. When you travel from what appears to be one point to another, you are in fact occupying a single point that opens out onto an infinite number of points on the three-dimensional grid of the planet’s surface. It’s like being in a room and each time you open the door you can exit into a different location. Or it’s like the nature of universal cellular structure in which each cell is made up of identical information yet performs its own specific function. Just as we can speak of cellular intelligence, we can also speak of light intelligence. This web or mesh of light is a living, intelligent structure made up of infinite numbers of elemental beings who perform the transiting function for the traveler simply by opening out onto differing planetary or interplanetary spaces.

Once you allow yourself to imagine and actually occupy such points of light, you have allowed yourself to enter into the etheric structure that the fairy world occupies. It is this unidimensional opening out from a single point onto the three-dimensional grid of the planet, for example, that allows for portal transit. This transitionality or transitivity or transpositionality is the basic elemental structure of portals. As such, the physical conceptions and experiences of space and time necessary for three-dimensional travel are no longer operative when speaking of portal transitions.

The mental shift involved in coming to such a conception is important not simply for understanding the nature of the object at hand—portal travel—but functions as well as a mind exercise that prepares a human being for the kind of mental elasticity necessary for perceiving the nature of etheric relationality. This is a training exercise of sorts for any human who takes etheric existence seriously. Typical three-dimensional concepts simply do not work.

It is important to relate this notion to the current interest among humans in multimensionality. We are not at all denying the importance, both practically and conceptually, of learning to extend human mental structures into multidimensional experiences. But we do wish to point out that etheric experience involves exactly the opposite operation—that of moving from three dimensions to one single dimension that then opens out onto three dimensionality. It is exactly this dimensional reduction that allowed for the kind of interworld travel that C. S. Lewis depicts in his Chronicles of Narnia books—despite the transition space and time that would be necessary for passing through the coats in a wardrobe into another world (which is a representational concession to the demands of those stuck in three-dimensional thought).

So in returning to the topic of etheric light structure, when you experience such light in meditation, allow yourself to focus on the light filaments and the knot structures that combine these filaments. For it is at these knots that interdimensional travel through unidimensional transposition can then take place.

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