The following sections of this post come from transcripts of my phone conversations with the collective multidimensional entity known as Monitor and channeled by Harvey Grady in Sedona, Arizona. I include them here in order to provide some context for some of my posts regarding this work of mine here in Finland. For those of you who find these notes interesting in any way and want to contact me, I can be reached via email at


2012-09-13 Fairies in Finland


Here in Finland we continue to be involved in three primary modes of spirit work: one, writing up our notes and stories concerning our sacred site adventures; two, following our High Self guidance to new sacred site experiences; and three, working out the details of the overall vision of our larger mission.

Our question this month concerns our engagement with faerie portals. As is frequently the case elsewhere, here in Finland we have been visited by various local faeries, such as those of the Baltic Sea, X [the actual location needs to be protected], and now Koli. The entire Finnish spirit terrain, as it is being revealed to us, involves an extensive network of faerie communities and portals at sacred earth sites marked by ceremonial stones (called “seitas” in Finnish), rock art, and etheric energy glows and vibrations. These specific sites have been shown to us in visions ever since our work together in this particular life began.

At the X rock art site we were told that one primary principle in our soul mission involves the unification of human and faerie worlds, a unity that was severed in ancient Atlantis. X is reported by the local faeries to be one of the primary power portals for us on this planet. We are learning that individual sites have a particular local integrity at the same time as they tie into larger networks of spirit and energy.

What, then, is the nature of these portals? What is the nature of the network connecting them on various physical, etheric, and inter-dimensional planes? What is the nature of our connection to them? How do they relate to our mission regarding the revival of superconscious communities? In other words, what can you tell us about the role we play in weaving together some kind of etheric web of intention and energy across the planet and, specifically, in these particular spots?

The spiritual development of the Planetary Being relies largely upon the development of humanity’s capacity to link with Divinity. In that linkage, humanity acts as a coordinator of various kingdoms of Life in affecting specific changes in the consciousness of substance within the planet.

The beings called “fairies” represent nonphysical beings that are a subset of the devic kingdom. They represent a combination of different forms of devas brought together early in Earth’s history. The network of fairy sites has existed from antiquity. It operates on mental and etheric levels. The human approach to those sites and portals is primarily gained upon a mental level, and only when sufficient trust develops between humans and fairy representatives will the etheric level of the portals be made accessible.

The process of befriending fairies requires considerable care. Humanity has treated them poorly. Humanity, even before Atlantis, began abusing their offers of assistance. As the human Spirit shrank into illusion, glamour, and maya, fairies and others members of the vast devic kingdom have shunned human contact. To them, communicating with a person can be quite painful because each person carries considerable residue of suffering and grief.

The sensitivities of fairies therefore allow them to have only brief contact, and that is normally arranged by the High Self of the person involved. They arrange through the High Self a means of contact that provides protective screening for the fairy so that the fairy does not have to be exposed to the onerous suffering of the human.

The set of portals may be discussed in terms of the articles and books that Gabriel and Anna write, yet the actual sites need to be protected. They may consider how they can best accomplish that task through consultation with their High Selves. The presence of human beings who intensely seek contact with fairies would lead to further abuse if the exact sites were known.

The process of shielding the sites needs to take place. It represents a human responsibility in protecting fairies from further human incursions. Thus we suggest to Gabriel and Anna that they ask their High Selves to show them how best to protect the sites, in part through misdirection in what they write and in part through energetic processes that can be accomplished through their High Selves.

That process of providing protection will provide reasonable assurance to the fairies in contact that Gabriel and Anna are proceeding responsibly. With that perception, they will be able to write and share a number of insights and perspectives gained from the fairies. That is much more important for establishing understanding and forming a basis for continued communication between the two domains of Life.


2018-11-12 Relocating to Finland 1

MONITOR: We find that the High Selves of you and your wife, Anna, have had such plans [for relocating in Finland] for years. We see that you are now in a situation, arranged by your High Self, where you can do remote teaching, sustain a level of income, and make that change of location.

We see it as highly beneficial for all of your family that is able to participate. We note that the area of Finland is likely to remain quite stable despite periodic escalation of tensions between the United States and Russia. We see that the nation of Finland will remain a safe haven. Your benefits will be multiple, and you will again face the challenge of what you write and share with the world.

You are free to do as you wish. The challenges within your Male and Female Selves will periodically surface at times with a power struggle as to priorities, and at other times as a need for deep fulfillment in your role as a teacher. The plan will work out well as we see it. And we recommend that you activate the plan when you and Anna feel the time is proper.

GABRIEL: Thank you so much. Thank you.

Akseli Gallen-Kallela

2019-05-13 Relocating to Finland 2

MONITOR: The history of the area will gradually appear to you, either through other persons or through the insights that you and Anna receive.

The area is favorable energetically and gives you a geological position in that region that acts as a distributor of information through the mental body connection of personalities. There are ancient components to that region. In other words, earlier civilizations that also had high development.

Thus you will find beings in that region who will likely introduce themselves in beneficial ways so that you and Anna, and others you may bring to that location for your work, will be able to link with these ancient beings and utilize their services, giving them a more relevant connection with what occurs to humanity today. We see it as a very positive relationship that evolves step-by-step. And we believe that you are following the guidance of your High Self quite well.

GABRIEL: Thank you so much.


2019-11-11 The Cairns of Raasepori

Gabriel: During the past week I have become aware of and started initial contact with the energies of what turn out to be several different hilltop stone mounds, sites that in Finnish are referred to as muinaishaudat or ancient burial sites.

My initial encounter on Sunday, November 3 turned out to be very complicated, leaving me in a state of disorientation and multiple dreamstate co-existing realities. I chalked this up to my haste and lack of proper preparation for engaging such energies. I made sure at the next two mound sites to pay proper respect and to ground myself as well as possible before entering into a relationship with the energies of the mounds. My experiences at the Kasberget Mound in downtown Pohja, just a few kilometers from our house, were in fact quite positive. And it was this mound in particular that I saw as key to my spiritual practice in Raasepori long before we even moved to Finland.

Have I in fact paid proper respect and taken proper precautions for the energetic encounters I am undergoing? Is my assumption that this circuit of mounds in the region plays a major role in the work I will be doing, at least in these early days in Finland? Are the mounds governed by different energetic entities, as I assume they might be, or are they part of a concerted expression of spirit power? Are some of these entities related to the beings you have predicted that I will encounter here? And is the writing up of my experiences at these cairns, as I have been doing in my revived blog, the proper way to convey to others the nature of my work here? Finally, is there anything I should treat as sensitive information in my narratives about my experiences?

MONITOR: You may view yourself in this role as an ambassador through time and dimensions. The sites that you connect with do require adequate preparation in what we call “psychic hygiene.”

The first experience led to a sense of overwhelm and confusion because there were too many impressions received from multiple sources. You are wise to focus upon one source. You may do that by asking your High Self to present the being most suited to help you with the project. That simplification will give you considerable advantage.

We find that your confusion was due to multiple sources communicating with you at the same time. In other words, they rushed forward to a person that was open to them and the meaning of their lives. With that simplification through your High Self, we believe that you can focus upon gaining a sense of the meaning of those lives, which needs to be the central theme in this form of research for you.

Focusing in that way focuses upon the purposes of Soul manifesting through a people. We ask you to consider that perspective because it is most helpful in gaining awareness of the fundamental goals of the people, the opposition they encounter often through karmic return, and their ability to summon sufficient inner resources to overcome obstacles. In many cases, obstacles are not overcome when they relate to other people, other beings, and the environment.

With this approach, we believe you can pull forward stories. If you treat them as stories and perhaps even identify the name of a being who tells a story, you can add to your approach. The work you perform is definitely sponsored by High Self and Soul as we have previously indicated. You may unfold much of the purpose of people in that region. Those earlier peoples have a direct influence upon the people now present in this time.

In this way, you can demonstrate not only the quality of life and purposes of an earlier civilization, but also how that energetic presence remains in the land to affect people living there now. You introduce a concept of the consciousness of an earlier people affecting the consciousness and purpose of people coming later.

GABRIEL: Should I try channeling or my usual telepathic communication?

MONITOR: We believe your telepathic communication will work, once you have established psychic hygiene with your High Self.

GABRIEL: Yes. Thanks so much.


2020-02-10 Susanna Aarnio Workshop

GABRIEL: Monitor, this is Gabriel again. I want to ask now about my current shamanic path in Finland. Two weekend’s ago, Anna and I attended a shamanic workshop with Susanna Aarnio, a well-known practitioner working with Johannes Setala in what is referred to as the Baltic-Finno-Uralic ancestral traditions. We were both very moved by our journeys inward and inspired as we continue to embrace our new paths here in Finland. I realize, though on a much deeper level, my connections to the Spirit landscape of Finland and have had glimpses over the years of past life shamanic experiences here.

One experience in 2012 involved a visit by nine ancestor spirits dressed in bearskin robes, standing on the ice at the edge of the Baltic Sea just outside our house on Porkkala Peninsula. They appeared to me again during the workshop two weeks ago.

I also recently saw a small group of beings building a platform on a sacred boulder in the forest in our backyard, but they instantly disappeared as I approached them. I’ve been keeping detailed notes of my experiences and growing understanding of the vast network of the ancients in this area, and the ancient cairns and stone networks in this area, and have been posting that on my blog. Some of these are right outside our house. Can you please speak to my connections here in Finland, past and present, to the spirit ancestors specifically, and to the people such as Susanna Aarnio, whom I am now meeting? More generally, can you speak to our progress here so far and what we might do or not do as we move forward in creating a sustainable spiritual path here, and anything else we might need to know?

MONITOR: We find that your spiritual understanding is attracting allies, people who are dealing with different facets of the character and beauty of the land and the people upon it.

Your efforts at sharing are of true value because you are able to attract others who have much to share. Therefore, a more complete picture emerges of the land and the Life upon it. You have been involved there before, more than once, in ancient civilizations. You have existing allies that are helping you from the other side of Life. You are being guided in many ways, and so you experience a considerable degree of harmony. It is as though you meet old friends.


MONITOR: The sharing that you perform helps to create a more fulfilling story of the region. You are able now to receive, from some of your friends in the higher planes, the cultures and values that have cared for the land for ages. The land is viewed as a refuge, a sanctuary, and that role will unfold as the years go by. The challenges to Earth will produce significant changes in the distribution of humans on the surface of the planet. And thus the refuge aspect of that land will come to pass.

When you share, you help others form words that can more adequately describe the full level of experience that is available there, and thus you are fulfilling much of your life purpose. Accordingly, you will have a number of resource persons emerging. As you encourage them to share their stories, you and they form a composite tapestry of stories that more adequately reflect the understanding of what occurs in that land.

GABRIEL: Excellent. Thank you so much.


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