November 15, 2011

Well, lots of things are coming together in my vision and my practice. I should probably start keeping a daily vision log or I’ll lose some of this. Assuming that keeping track matters. Maybe it doesn’t.

So I was told a few days ago (maybe three) that This Solar Disk Called Kansas lies within the heart. I was ready to receive and make some sense of this now that I’ve spent two weeks with David Yarrow, whose thinking, experience, action, and brilliant metaphorics have been exactly what I needed to start making sense of my own visions. I was told a month before his arrival that this would be the case.


What I realized visually just before being told about the heart’s role in the Solar Disk was—wait, maybe this came later—anyway, was that the Vesica that David talks about, the space of the overlapping convergence of the two halves of the Torus donut, is the space of meditation and perhaps even the space of all consciousness and life. And most importantly, this space is the fifth dimension, where space folds in on itself—what David refers to as Torus infolding. The Spindle location of meditation (I’ll have to explain this part of my vision) is not simply a positive central point but rather a convex curvature of space that turns the center point inside out and stretches it into the Vesica vessel (I’ll have to see the etymology there). On one level this is what I saw (as I described last night) in my Crestone quartz-mine plant-spirit vision of the rolling braids of folds of earth surface—the infolding process of plasma and earth magnetism.

But this Heart realization means that the heart itself, the space of love and communal identification, is also this space of infolding. Meditation—and perhaps consciousness itself—is born in the heart, the Vesica of communion.

Interestingly, I came across this William Blake line today:

Thus men forgot that All deities reside in the human breast. – (1790)

It sounds as though this is in line with a Feuerbachian/Marxist critique of ideological inversion, that the gods are simply (merely) forgotten human (mental) creations. But what if Blake (or the words even without him) really means that the human breast, the heart, is the locus of divinity, the sacred Vesica of the emanation of godhead? This would be in line with my meditation realization this morning (to be explained in a separate note) that the Underworld is the Innerworld, located within the Vesica space of the heart (David said something about this inner/under confusion last week). We are then ourselves the heart matrices of the divine, the infolding toroidal space of genesis.

Nov. 16 footnote: So this ( must be the sacred space that Jesus, the prophet ushering in the Age of Pisces, was indicating when he said “the Kingdom of God is within you.” And perhaps the sacred prasad of Hinduism. Hermes Trismegistus said, “As above, so below. As within, so without.”

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