Kachina Channel

16 November 2013

This is November 16, 2013 and we are the Kachina spirits. Let that sink in. Feel the influence, feel the energy as it radiates through your body. Recognize that you felt this particular experience both in the kiva chamber at Chaco Canyon and at the Third Portal; how you feel this energy through your limbs in a way that you experience with the other energies in quite the same way. It spreads out from the center of your trunk—the Heart Center, your Astral Center, out through your limbs. Breathe in deeply. Make the adjustments, the acclimations, the recognition.

We are here to speak more of the underground civilizations that we have just recently introduced you to, the concept of such underground civilizations. The Lamine Valley is one of the primary ones you had experience with previously, a very significant experience. You worked with us very intimately in some of these projects of acclimating the Beings of the Subterranean civilizations to their above-ground transitional lives.

This is one reason the Sipapu strikes you so deeply, because you have experienced this literally; you have literally experienced in your Soul Journey, the travel from the underworld to the surface. This is no simple metaphor. This is literal. This is the base of much shamanic imagery and unconscious memory. The Underworld is truly the Underworld, the Subterranean World, and we are bringing you into contact with Beings who continue to live under the surface, in the Subterranean chambers, you could say, caverns, dimensions, for it is a different dimensional existence. A human of today’s manifestation could not in physical terms experience this. You have to travel energetically; you have to travel mentally, on Soul levels, in order to make these connections. But it is a dimension that has a very vivid and graphic element to it.

There are other people today making such contact, and you are now joining their ranks. This is an important step in the development of your project in terms of aiding the Planetary evolution. You are now making contact in the deep interdimensional levels of existence on this planet. Today is a day of significant planetary shift. As you have not been introduced to any human circles who are following these developments, we are coming to you directly. But it is most appropriate for us to come directly to you anyway.

You are now going by the Graham Cave State Park sign, and you have recognized already that this is a significant spot for you. You do not need to stop there at this moment. That is a very good camping alternative for you and Anna as you travel. It might even be a good place to spend Christmas night. There is no particular reason to have Christmas indoors unless the weather demands it, so this could be a time for you to take in the energetic terrain of that particular spot. In any case, you are driving by it now, and doing so on its periphery.

The underground civilizations are reached through various portals. While they are of a different dimension than what humans experience on the surface, they are nevertheless located in relation to specific points on the surface of the globe through various planetary portals—inter- and intra-planetary portals. They do take you to other planets. More importantly at this point, they take you within the planet.

It is not time yet to go into much detail about the nature of the Beings you are coming into contact with there. We will say now that the Third Portal on the land you are renting is the place for you to make such contact. It is not an accident that the Second Portal, the Fairy Portal, has to do with subterranean water systems. The subterranean water systems provide a certain energetic stratum that is made use of by the Subterranean Peoples. You made connections of this sort in the Ruined Castle in Finland. You traveled in this subterranean dimensional plane on 12-21-2012. This was an opening for you and Anna. This was a very significant moment in the development of your program for the Planetary evolution.

As you do your work at the Third Portal keep to the periphery. You are not yet prepared to travel through that particular portal. You will be prepared for doing so.

The Kachinas and Elves will guide you in your development there.

Plan on meditations on the periphery of that portal. It is overgrown for this purpose, so that humans do not stand directly on the center.

Meditate on this information as you drive. Let it sink into your energetic system as it is already doing. Let it speak to you on a cellular level. Remember, we told you at the Third Portal that a very important portal is the human heart. It is the portal within, and this portal is part of the vehicle for connecting with portals such as the Third Portal on the property where you now reside. As you create a bodily space that functions as the Kiva Space for the circulation of spiral energies in Sipapu passage, the opening up of visionary capacity and communication.

That is all for now.

Thank you.

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