By Gabriel Hartley

9 June 2020

As I was meditating yesterday morning, on 8 June 2020, I was invited to make contact with the inhabitants of an extremely large extraterrestrial spaceship in Fiskars that I first saw from my home a few days before that, sometime during the first week of June. I will say more about the ship in another post. For now, I want to try to remember and record the conversation I had with the representative of the ship, who introduced himself/herself/themselves as Nanuq from Arcturus.

First (Conscious) Contact

As I was slipping into communicative mode after doing my initiatory breathing technique that I learned from the serpent beings of Finland in 2012—a technique I call the Kyy Breath—I was alerted by Samuel—the name my High Self currently goes by in encounters with me—that I was about to be introduced to the inhabitants of the ship hovering above Peckarhagen, the meadow roughly north-northeast (N60.124953-E23.554554) of our house. I accepted this invitation and was then immediately overcome by a powerful warm glowing feeling tingling throughout my bodies (physical, etheric, astral, mental).

I was asked to allow them to perform a frequency calibration that would assist in our communicative channel, and I again assented. The warm radiative glow grew increasingly as I was told that they were expanding my etheric body and fine-tuning its radiating capacities. I could literally feel an expansion of my being that tripled in size of what I usually experience as the limits of my etheric body.

At some point I asked them to choose a representative and to identify themselves. Gradually the noise in my head tuned itself to a clear voice channel. While I still did not hear specific words being spoken, I could sense the clarification of this communicative field, so to speak, as I was prepared for the conversation. I asked them who they were and they identified themselves as primarily Arcturian members of a cosmic confederation that included Pleiadeans and other entities from places I have not yet become aware of. Because of my more extensive—I should say almost exclusive—experience with Arcturians rather than other ET civilizations, the Arcturians were chosen to be my conversation partners, my instructors.

I asked the speaker what name I should use to refer to them, and their response was Nanuq (Nanuk, Nanook). The first thing I actually heard was Nanoo (the greeting spoken by the TV character Mork, played by Robin Williams in Mork and Mindy), but I was immediately corrected. Their name (I am referring to the speaker in the plural both because they do not experience specific gender distinctions and also because this speaker represents the collectivity as a whole) is Nanuq.

This seeming reference to one of the first silent documentaries—Nanook of the North—did not sit any more comfortably with me than a possible reference to an old TV series, and I asked in disbelief, “Seriously? You’re going by an old overly-appropriated Inuit reference such as Nanuq?” Nanuq answered that this is indeed the name most appropriate for me to refer to them by in my interactions with them and that I needed to relax my academic cultural responses (my fear of being accused of appropriating native cultural aspects) and to discover what the name Nanuq actually refers to. I would find in time the power not only in the significance of the name but in the “magical” effects of the sounds of the syllables themselves. This word would become an important invocational tool for me at some future point.

They then (all this time still calibrating my etheric resonance) asked me to pay attention to the musical tone that I could hear in the background of the conversation. I realized that this tone had been playing throughout this interaction and seemed to be performing its own very important frequency calibration function. They asked me to search for the frequency on the internet once our conversation was finished for that session. I did so shortly afterwards and found that the tone is referred to as G#2 or the frequency 101hz.

They then explained that the ancient shamanic Arctic reference to Nanuq provides me with clues as to the mission—or at least one aspect of their mission— here in Finland. This will become clearer to me with further research, meditation, and communication with them.

I asked Nanuq how long the ship had been here in what is now the Fiskars area, thinking the answer might be a few days or a few weeks, and Nanuq responded that they have been here for four thousand years, or what we still often refer to as 2,000 B.C. or BCE. They said that as a mental touchstone, I could keep in mind that the high point of classical Greece was 400 B.C., 1600 years after this Arcturian ship arrived in current-day Fiskars.

They then thanked me for participating in this sharing of information and vibrational experience and told me that they were available at any time I chose to initiate further contact. I thanked them and then ended my meditation-communication and went on with my day, all the while very aware of the ship hovering in my sight just slightly east of due North from home.

Steps Forward

This morning, still very sensitive to the difficulties involving Western interventions into indigenous cultural spaces, I did more (informal) communication with Nanuq and was reassured that that name is extremely important as a framing tool for my communications with them and for the lessons they have to share with me as I, in turn, share my understandings with them. They asked me again to spend some time researching the term on the internet.

I have already learned quite a bit about the uses, Western and indigenous, of the name Nanuq-Nanuk-Nanook. The most important piece of information is the fact that Nanuq is, in part, the shamanic name for the spirit of the Polar Bear. Part of this particular mission involves our desperately-needed attempts to learn ways to ameliorate and adapt to the consequences of global climate catastrophe, which has become symbolized in large part by the polar bear and the destruction of the Arctic ice fields. This is part of my mission here in Finland—in terms of the Arctic natural environment, the Arctic spirit realm, and the role that Finland will play in the future migrations of humans northwards as the consequences of climate destruction drive people out of the equatorial realms of the planet.

So in the spirit of Earth Healing and with the goal of overcoming our illusions of separation—from each other, from nature, from spirit—I respectfully and with an open heart dedicate myself to this project and to this embrace of the spirit of the Polar Bear and all that that encompasses—Nanuq.

NOTE: If this interested you, you might also like to see my notes from a follow-up experience I later had with Nanuq:


For a critical overview of western appropriations of “Nanook” and “the Arctic,” see the book Arctic Cinemas and the Documentary Ethos, edited by  Lilya KaganovskyScott MacKenzie, and Anna Westerstahl Stenport (2019).

For an account more aligned with a spiritualist dream encounter approach, see the book Dreaming with Polar Bears: Spirit Journeys with Animal Guides by Dawn Baumann Brunke (2014).

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