Attune Yourself in Atonement

September 15, 2014


As you will see, part of the exercise for this line in the Song of Humanity is to encourage you to find a way to let go of your own desire to control and create the events as they unfold before you. What we are asking you to do instead is to recognize that, yes, you are a co-creator of the events that you participate in. But your co-creation involves on a very critical level your ability to let go of your desire to control.

Even when that desire is guided by higher intention, higher principles, higher goals, when you begin with those intentions, those principles, those goals, you are beginning with concepts, you are posing up front the conceptual framework within which truth might unfold for you, might show itself in the space that you could otherwise allow to open up before you. So rather than putting your concepts on the table and using them for creating a framework for controlling how you then define what else you find participating in the unfolding of truth on that table, we ask you to simply sit back and behold, to let things unfold before you in the space of acceptance and openness created when you let go of the desire to control.

This means that frequently you might find yourself believing that you are actually moving forward according to notions, concepts, goals that have been suggested to you by higher entities, your Higher Self, and that you then go on to pursue them. You might indeed be getting suggestions from a higher source, but their suggestions will rarely take the form of providing you with some conceptual term or notion to put forward as the framing mechanism for making sense of what then unfolds. Instead, what you are asked in a higher sense to do is to go with the flow, to go with what you feel opening up before you. And step-by-step following that guiding light without trying to predetermine where your destination might be, where this particular journey might lead you.

It is this opening up the space before conception, before brief recognition of concepts that guide you as principles for action, for thought, for behavior, for understanding. We instead are asking you to use this space of conception in its other sense—as a space for giving birth to new modes of creation, new modes of expansion, new modes of unfolding, for humans are in a constant state of unfolding and under-standing. And they should be standing under the display of wonder and magic that unfolds before them rather than to be posing concepts that provide the pre-determined groundwork for that apprehension of wonder.

So bring forth this message on atonement and attunement and we will continue to speak to humanity as a whole in universal terms as yet another Message to Humanity. We work with you at all stages of composition, for it is com-position, that is, bringing together, positioning together, com-posing as a mode of attaining unity.

Our last message concerned unity and the necessity for humanity to start recognizing the necessity for unity. At this point we wish to pose one more step, a step out of that field opened up by the desire for unity among humans, the unity among humans that alone can make possible an effective human interaction and community with other entities on a species level, on a planetary level. So that next step forward that we suggest is one of attunement, and we wish for you to meditate on the senses of this word that you have in English—attunement—and ultimately, in ways that we will lead you to consider as we go on, the relationship between attunement and atonement. For it is through this attuning atonement that humans can bring themselves to move forward beyond a mere concept of unity, of unification beyond the simple desire and recognition of the necessity for unification, and realize that that unification has to involve a kind of attunement.

So if we begin with the word “attunement,” and you think back to our message on unification, we suggested that each of these communications is in a sense the production of another line in what we called the Song of Humanity. And that musical reference is not incidental or accidental. It is crucial to the very feeling of understanding that we are inviting you to participate in. If you think of attunement in its musical sense, you are the orchestra preparing to sing together, to play your instruments together in a way that produces a symphony of humanity, a song of the earth in which the human voice resonates so beautifully.

When you tune in together, when you align your instruments of expression, those instruments that best allow you to express your very being in a given moment, we allow you a way to imagine how humans might consider and might enact the kind of unification we spoke of in the previous message. Imagine yourselves as the orchestra sitting down together, tuning your instruments, preparing for the greatest symphony you have ever played together in all of the existence of humanity. This is humanity’s great song, and you are tuning your instrument in order to play your part in that great musical composition.

It is through that musical composition, that alignment of resonances, that alignment of voices, that alignment of unified intention and rhythm, timbre, tone, not always seeking some simple harmonious chord but perhaps some energetic play of discord in order to emphasize what needs to be emphasized and not washed over in the simple rhythms and tones of accord. Discord is not the opposite of accord; discord is another mode of accord. It’s when you together as the orchestra, as the one unified entity, the one unified musical organism playing this song, recognize how you work together in this creation of the universe. And as you let yourself go in the performance, as you let your voice of your instrument sing forth, as you play your drum, vibrate that bow on those strings, press the keys of that wind instrument, you bring forward your own voice in the creation of attunement. And when you are attuned, then you can move on in your performance of that great Song of Humanity.

When humanity can allow itself to consciously seek this kind of attunement in which discord is another mode of accord from a higher perspective that allows for the various voices and rhythms and movements to play in and through each other, then you can begin to imagine the necessity for atonement—the atonement only made possible by the previous recognition of the necessity for attunement. Atonement only has genuine meaning when you are in tune with and seeking greater attunement with all of the universe, all of humanity, all of this planetary creation that you are yourself participating in in its unfolding.

“Atonement” is the English word these days referring to various modes of contrition and reparation where guilty parties express their sorrow and seek forgiveness. They say, “I am sorry for the pain and the suffering I might have contributed to in my previous ventures that were out of attunement with humanity’s great song. I apologize for acting out from an egocentric platform which at the time best expressed what I understood to be the most appropriate and opportune behavior or mode of expression. Yet seeing a greater overview of how all of these various voices come together in this attunement, I am sorry for imagining that my voice was more important and more pure and more to the point of truth than those others.”

It is only when we can humbly let go of our singular claim to truth that we can begin to recognize the claims of truth expressed by others. For when we can begin to recognize how the various expressions that seem so discordant might on a higher level actually be working towards a higher resolution of energies which from a limited perspective appear to be in conflict and only capable of producing conflict and pain and suffering and anger and hatred—yet pure atonement, pure expression of contrition is not satisfied by expressions of sorrow and of being sorry, but is a recognition that All are One.

Atonement is At-One-Ment. It is the recognition that at base we are all one being, one people, one expression of this total planetary being as it works itself out toward a more beautiful and harmonious expression of energies and tones. That At-One-Ment is the ultimate goal of atonement. It is not to hide in shame. It is not to use expressions of being sorry to hide behind when you haven’t in fact truly grown in your comprehension of the apparently conflicting forces at play. True atonement comes out of true attunement. When you are truly attuned to the other impulses and vibrations of your fellow human beings and, ultimately beyond them, the other entities participating with you in the Song of this planet and this universe, you are ready for a true understanding of atonement, At-One-Ment: the true unity that we spoke of in the previous message.

To repeat: that unity does not come about simply through good intention, for good intention can often unwittingly provide the framework for further conflict. You are so sure of your good intention that you are no longer capable of understanding the good intention of others. You are so sure that you have found the best possible way of making sense of and expressing the conflicting resonances of a given set of circumstances that you become convinced that you are the sole possessor of the words of truth. Atonement moves beyond that. True atonement moves beyond Ego. It’s a giving up of Ego and saying, “I am part of a larger resonance, a larger array of forces, energies, vibrations, frequencies, and only in the illusion, the Myth of Separation can I even imagine that my one voice can be true in itself.

When you can imagine all of these voices as various modes of expression of truth, however one-sided they may appear, however limited they may appear to your presumed perspective of what is appropriate and right and true, only at that point of true recognition of attunement can you move forward to the creation of atonement where all of humanity comes together and realizes that true atonement, the true At-One-Ment is acceptance. It is Love.

The saying, “Love your neighbor as yourself” is a very important step toward attunement and atonement. An even greater step in that direction is the embracing of the saying, “Love your enemy as yourself.” When you can get to the point where you can actually feel the truth of that expression from within, and from a non-egocentric position step forward into the universe where you are actively loving your enemy, then you are actively seeking attunement and atonement. It is only at that point that you can truly be sorry for your previous expressions guided by well-meaning but limited definitions of truth.

So prepare your instrument. Practice it well. For it is your mode of expression. It is your mode of excelling, of letting yourself go in the grand symphony of existence, in the great song of life, the great Song of Humanity. Become perfect at the expression of love and joy through your instrument, and tune that instrument to those of the other members of your orchestra. Then your own expression will truly resonate and truly find its place in the Song of Humanity.

Go forward seeking the peace that you know you at base are yourself. You are peace. You are love. You are attunement. You are atonement. Move forward with an open heart. Move forward into the space of creation and let the resonances unfold before you, and let your spirit be moved in that unfolding as it moves forward. Do not try to predetermine the outcome of that song. Go forward with the understanding that very beautiful and mysterious strains will find utterance through your voice in ways completely unexpected by yourself. Go sing your unexpected song of beauty. Go forward in your attunement, in your atonement, in your song of love, which is the Song of Humanity.

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