3 November 2019

This entry basically will be a set of notes and recollections from my profound portal experience this morning at an ancient stone mound site [muinaishauta in Finnish] on the Skuruberget cliffs above Pohjankuru just south of our home in Fiskars.

Map Source: maanmittauslaitos.fi

Just right of Tallbacka in the upper right-hand corner of the map segments above are the words in green text that read “Forngrav” (Swedish for ancient grave) and “Muinaishauta” (Finnish, also for ancient grave). Note that this is only one of four such mound sites listed on the lower map, which here occupy more or less the four corners of the map image, much like the four sacred mountains of the U.S. Southwest. These four muinaishaudat sit atop the rocky cliffs of a “tiny mountain” (berget in Swedish) of Pohja known as Skuruberget (upper right), Skurubacken (“gorge hill,” lower right), Kasberget (lower left—right in the center of town, interestingly), and Tomtberget (upper left). [UPDATE 5 November 2019: As I had suspected, there are in fact over a dozen such sites within just a few kilometers of Pohja. At some point I will try to catalog them in a post on this site. Skurubacken, I found, houses at least two muinaishaudat.]

My instinct tells me that these four ancient mound sites, each occupying a high cliff above the village of Pohja, create a powerful energetic continuum that influences the whole village, but I need to explore this more before suggesting what this means in geomantic terms. What I will suggest here with a little more confidence is that this four-point configuration itself operates within an energetic line stretching from the lakes north of Fiskars (such as Degersjön) down along the Fiskars River through the kuru (gorge) of Pohja as it empties into Pohja Bay and continuing along this inland waterway down to the Baltic Sea at Hanko.

Looking south from Skuruberget across Tallbacka and Pohjankuru to Pohja Bay
Map Source: Google Maps

My goal here, however, is to record briefly the profound interdimensional experience I underwent as a result of engaging with the energetic source of this mound portal. I hope to go into greater detail later, but for now I will simply say that as I got back to my car with my son Kivi and drove through Tallbacka, Pohja, and Fiskars, I had the most intense sense of déja vu I can remember, except that this déja vu presented itself as dream memories of dreams I don’t believe “I” actually had. I entered into a dream realm that seemed to relive itself through me at each point along our drive home. I would turn onto a street and think, “Wow, this is exactly as I dreamed it last night,” but I somehow also knew that I had never dreamed this before—I was simultaneously “dreaming” it and “living” it right here and now.

Image Source: https://www.7thsensepsychics.com/stories/8897-2/

This multidimensional dream experience was so profound that I had a difficult time believing the “real world” of my current life story, including my recent move to Fiskars and beyond that to Finland itself. I felt as though I was returning to my life as if I had been on an interspace journey and was just now coming back to my “familiar” life. I can’t tell how much my actual dreams from last night were entering into this experience or whether the entire dream continuum was totally created as though recreated in this moment.

In other words, this multidimensional shift made my “real” life seem perhaps even more dreamlike than these competing dreamscapes. As I drove along the road north from Pohja to Fiskars, which I have done almost daily for a little over two months now, the whole landscape—every street, every turn, every cow field or sheep meadow, every shop along the way, and even my new house itself—seemed completely dreamlike. I wondered if I would even recognize my wife, Anna, when I saw her once more when I arrived home.

I don’t yet have an explanation for or understanding of this wild experience. I have had many deep and mind-blowing shamanic experiences previously, but none so potentially alien and alienating as this. All I know at the moment is that we were called here to engage with the spirit energies of these power spots here in Raasepori (the larger “county,” more or less, to which Fiskars and Pohja belong or within which they are situated). And I now also know that I need to do more grounding exercises before tuning in to such powers.

Image Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/ImaginaryLandscapes/comments/2wycgx/cover_for_symphonic_music_of_yes_by_roger_dean/

I was literally out of this world—or more accurately, within multiple worlds simultaneously—for several hours after engaging with these mound energies. The only experiential analogy I can come up with is the deep grounding-yet-alienating revelations of powerful psychedelic drugs. And as with those types of journeys, I now see that I must be more cautious and conscious—more sober in all possible senses (a sobriety which goes beyond any simple notions of substance use, something I no longer engage in).

The best aspect of this experience was the recognition that my current “real” life is in fact my real dream life in both the figurative sense (what I always wanted) and the actual sense (this real life is in fact one of many simultaneous contiguous dreamscapes which make up my conscious and unconscious experience). What I came to see clearly for the first time since our move back to Finland was that this beautiful life that I am now living is one that we dreamed into being and for which we are extremely thankful. As I drove home from Pohja I saw each tree, field, street, and building glowing in dreamlike magnificence, and I said to myself over and over again in complete awe, “Wow—this really IS my life! That meadow over there surrounded by spruce and birch trees really IS my daily landscape! This street really IS my street and that house is my house! And that beautiful woman in the house and this beautiful boy in the car really are my family! And while my other children are an ocean and a continent away, I have never felt closer to any of them—the living or the dead. I really did dream this life into being, just as I have simultaneously dreamed so many other dimensions of my life into their being.

And this recognition is the miracle.

I have a lot to learn here in Fiskars, Raasepori, and Finland more generally. My first lesson in this new powerscape has taught me the importance of grounding myself in my Soul Mission, aligned with the loving and enlarging energies of this planetary Soul Collective that we on Earth participate in. But more importantly, it has taught me the immense power of dreaming our lives into existence, in all the sober caution and ecstatic awe such power demands.

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