October 4, 2013
I will attempt to reconstruct what I have learned in the past few days from my meditations on the hill above our house. There is a lot of information that remains fuzzy at the present moment, but a general structure of significance seems to be falling into place.

During much of August and September Anna and I were led to focus most of our attention here on the First Portal, which was revealed to involve a heavenly or celestial vortex. (For the sake of coherence, I will repeat some of the information I have relayed in previous accounts.) I had many direct and indirect encounters with the Archangel Gabriel here, as well as with Michael and other unidentified angelic powers. The general message seems to have been that we should continually anchor ourselves in this Angelic Force, not only for the gifts we would receive from such beings but perhaps even moreso because this would impel us to acknowledge and claim our own Angelic Nature. One aspect of this message is that humans are multidimensional, complex beings made up of many elements, including the Angelic. We are Terrestrial Angels.
The Second Portal was shown to involve the energies of an Earthly Vortex—that is, a vortex arising from subterranean sources. This portal is overseen by Water Fairies and represents a point of contact or entry into the subterranean water systems throughout the planet. I have been led through various meditations and exercises for connecting to and with these water forces. Given the fact that Fairies in general have a hard time dealing with the intensity of Human Energies, the Elves mediate between us and the Fairies in order to moderate the energy flow from us humans to the Fairies, just as the Elves mediate between Humans and Angels in order to lesson the intensity of Angelic Energies that Humans come into contact with.
The Third Portal, which I have barely been led to explore as yet, represents what I can only at this point call Alternative Realities. This seems to refer to dimensional planes that I cannot even imagine at the moment, planes that go beyond our usual spatial coordinates of Heaven (Causal), Earth (Physical), and the Underworld (Etheric). At the moment I can only imagine dimensional realms existing as alternative universes, realms of experience that we can slip into and out of, but not without preparation if we wish to avoid serious trauma.
Now to the realizations of the past three days: We were drawn to meditate on the hilltop in the meadow which we have mown and where we sit to enjoy the beauty of our surrounding landscape and the change of seasons. I was told ahead of time that this spot was not chosen randomly by us but has special energetic significance in relation to the rest of the property. After getting attuned through some Kundalini Yoga chants and our own Kyy Breath Centering Meditation, I was told to tap into the energies of the First Portal. As I was sitting facing north, this meant that the First Portal was off behind us to the left, or to the southwest of the hilltop. As I did so, I immediately felt the presence of Gabriel and was led through some connecting exercises to connect with my own Angelic Energies. This led to familiar and still amazing experiences as the energies flowed through my various bodies.
Next I was led to connect to the Fairies and Elves at the Second Portal, who took me through now familiar exercises in which I engaged with the forces of the entities themselves and then to the Water Elementals I again flowed through the subterranean water systems of the planet.
Then I was asked to open myself up to the energies of the Third Portal, which I hadn’t yet been invited to do. While the energies of the Angelic Portal tend to be very electric, as though currents of energy flow through me and extend my being into a larger energetic circuit, and the energies of the Second Portal feel, not surprisingly, more liquid and bubbling, the energies of the Third Portal felt much more substantial in the sense of solid and dense. Yet the feeling of these energies was very comforting and warming. If you could say that the First Portal energies give rise to a flying sensation and those of the Second Portal give rise to a swimming sensation, the Third Portal energies felt more like a warm, comfortable night in bed under wonderful blankets and on luscious pillows. I cannot think of any time I have experienced this particular quality of energy before.
The Triple Spiral
As amazing and welcome as this new Third Portal experience was, I had not yet experienced the greatest rush of flows yet to come. This happened when I suddenly began to notice that I could feel the energies of all three portals flowing through me (and me through them) simultaneously. I asked my Guide whether this were true, and the answer was that this was the most important experience for me to go through and ultimately to consider—the relationship between the Three Portals with us at the Center Point of perspective and signification. I was invited to bathe in this new combined flow, and as I did the image of the Celtic Triple Spiral suddenly appeared before my consciousness. I could at that moment see each portal simultaneously rotating in a counter-clockwise circle. What I mean by “simultaneous” is that even though each portal lay quite a distance from me in physical space and each in its own planetary location, I could literally see each portal spiral as if I were hovering over each simultaneously, seeing three different geo-spatial coordinates at once as they lay stacked on top of one another.

At the same time, nevertheless, I was seeing the very spot where Anna and I were sitting—the hilltop above the Second Portal and below the First (to the left) and Third (to the right up on the highest ridge top). And I realized that this spot was the point of convergence of the energies of each of the three portals. Just as I was seeing myself hovering above each portal, watching each spin in equal rhythm with the others, I could also see the spot where I was sitting serving as the conduit for the flows of all three portals. I said to my Guide, “This is the significance of the Celtic Spiral!” (which we had seen throughout Ireland during our travels in June), and my Guide said, “Yes!” I then heard the following statement: “The Image, the Word, the Object, the Gesture—all are portals, points of convergence where multiple realities intersect. The key is to recognize the invitation to travel these overlapping vectors, to see these points of convergence glowing in their infinite possibilities.”
This statement proves especially significant for me as I have been spending the past few weeks intensely reading the Sufi philosophers, especially Ibn ‘Arabi and Suhrawardi, and commentary on them by Henry Corbin. A key element of their thinking and spiritual experience for me is the way in which they approach the Image or the Figure—every Image and Figure!—as an archetype for the relationship between the Human Angel (humans in their angelic aspect) and the Holy Spirit as represented by (figured by) the Angel Gabriel. To have this energetic and imagistic revelation by means of the Angel-Elf-Fairy influence of my portal experiences was mind blowing! This was exactly the kind of unification of my spirit visions and my intellectual exercises that I had been seeking. And it all came via the image of the Celtic Triple Spiral which I had been meditating on for months in conjunction with the Kachina spiral images of the U.S. Southwest.
In short, things feel as though they are quickly and massively coalescing for me on a multitude of levels. Wow!
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