December 6, 2015
As we were saying earlier, Gabriel, here in Greenville, Illinois, although we were speaking with you earlier, and we will repeat some of what we were saying before: On one of your previous trips we were telling you about our function as the Spindle connecting the heavens and the Earth. Today what we were speaking of was simply less about us and more about the atmosphere. Since we are mediators of the atmosphere, of course this concerns us.
The atmosphere of the Earth, generally speaking, is very unknown to humans. Even the most widely known and experiential aspects of the atmosphere are very unknown in terms of what’s actually happening. This includes, for instance, sunsets and the aurora borealis. What we were speaking to earlier is the fact that the atmosphere, as with all realms of material reality, but more freely speaking the atmosphere functions as a realm of radiation.
And we mean radiation in its root sense of energy waves, energy particles, radiating out from particular sources. So the sunset is a particular colorful display of a certain refraction of light radiation. It occurs in that particular way because of the radiation of moisture and particles in the atmosphere. The aurora borealis is a response to magnetic waves that radiate throughout the atmosphere and around the surface. In fact, what led us to begin speaking to you in more detail is that when humans take into account the magnetosphere of the Earth, they often picture it as a protective bubble—which in many ways it is. It does protect the inhabitants of all kinds of the surface of the planet from particular kinds of space radiation that would destroy the life on the surface or certainly cause it to mutate in fundamental ways that would leave it very unrecognizable in relation to its manifestation today.
But the magnetosphere certainly is penetrable by other kinds of radiation. Light and heat from the sun are obvious examples of this. There are many other kinds of energies emitted from a whole variety of sources that are unknown to humans today and these radiating waves of energy bathe all beings on the planet and interact with the radiating waves that extend out from all beings on the planet. For everything has its own particular radiance.
Hubblecast 77: Hubble and the Bermuda Triangle of space
This is a theme that you’ve been coming across and working with yourself in your classroom and in conversations in different groups on Facebook—the idea of the human body as a source of radiation and the point of radiating human energy of various kinds. You have liked imagining a group of people in a room and all the various spheres or bubbles of energy that encase each body overlapping each other in the space of the room so that what you have is a massive interaction of energy fields where they end up merging and communicating in ways that humans are basically unconscious of. So much communication takes place between humans in this energy-radiating sphere rather than through any kind of verbal or gestural communication. Without this particular radiating sphere, there would be no communication as you understand it, and yet you do not as a species understand this level to any significant degree.
So to return to the atmosphere of the planet, the planet is a medium, it is a space for particular types of energetic radiance to mingle, to compete, to harmonize, to synchronize, and to express themselves in various ways around the surface of the planet. And if you keep in mind David Abram’s radical statement that the atmosphere is itself part of the planet, as can be seen from photographs in space, you are in the planet and you are in these waves of energy, whether they’re radio waves, light waves, heat waves, magnetic fields, and so on.
What this means is that you and others who are turning their attention to this fact should first of all pay attention to this fact and allow it to shape your conception of how you interact on the planet in this atmosphere and contribute to the overall makeup of this harmony and dissonance of various energetic wave forms. As you become more and more conscious of this, you will become more and more aware of how you can consciously and unconsciously affect these particular wave patterns.
You are becoming highly attuned to this in the realm of sexual attraction, for instance, and recognizing that each individual gives off many different types of radiation that create a kind of energetic interplay with other beings in a particular range of influence. The more highly attuned among you to these waves are all the more stimulated, attracted to, repulsed by various sexually active wave transferences. But this goes on many levels, and as Turehu was saying earlier today, Love is one of these radiating waves you should especially pay attention to, for what is called love is a form of heart energy that can transform all other energetic patterns. This is the greatest facility that humans have available to them in this particular three-dimensional form—this conscious attunement to one’s own heart energy. This is a message that you’ve been getting from many different sources you have been interacting with over the past few years. There are various ways that this registers in your consciousness—yours in particular and people in general. What we are trying to do is draw attention to it again from yet another angle. That is, how does your wave radiance, your Love wave radiance affect the greater cosmos of energetic radiating patterns? How do you radiate into the Infinite Rainbow of Being?
Let us repeat that: How do you radiate into the Infinite Rainbow of Being?
This should be a mantra for you for a while now, a sort of motto for raising consciousness, and, in this case, recognition of heart consciousness, the role of the heart in consciousness, that the brain as an organ is simply one component of the organs of consciousness, the heart being the primary one.
So we leave you with that mantra, with the proviso that given that we are the mediators of the exchanges in the plane of existence that you call the atmosphere of the planet Earth, we ask that you focus on how Love is distributed and refracted and engaged with within this sphere called the atmos-sphere: the atmos, atman.
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