June 24, 2014 [Audio recording transcribed on June 17, 2015]
This is Gabriel in eastern Illinois on I-70 about 15 miles from the Indiana border. I’ve been finding in driving through this eastern half of the state since Effingham that there is a very strong spiritual presence here as well—the Sky Spirits in particular.
![sky spirits](https://sacredsitesproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/sky_spirits-1024x650.jpg)
And I’ve been getting some information from them concerning the vortices, the pockets of swirling energy that they set into motion. I’m seeing a visual pattern which is laid over the surface of the planet in collections of circling whirlpools that basically sit up against each other. They abut one another. If you imagine images of the sun spots and the solar storms, the various patterns of swirls in different directions, or the ocean currents or the images showing the air currents over the planet—this is a very similar kind of image that I’m getting now in relation to this etheric structure that the Matakin, the Sky Spirits are involved with. These etheric vortices affect the wind patterns, but they are not equivalent to them by any means.
![hodson deva](https://sacredsitesproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/hodson_deva.jpg)
There is a kind of interchange between them that is more subtle than we might imagine—subtle both in terms of impact and in definition, a sort of transition point from physical to etheric in the atmosphere is much more subtle, with one layer implicated within the texture of the other.
The swirls—I’m still getting information as I’m speaking, so I’m more or less presenting as it comes to me; in addition to this, I’m driving through massive fields of wheat and corn and other grains, and I’m meditating on the relationship of contemporary industrial agriculture to the devas and elementals involved in the growth of the crops on the Earth. And wondering to what extent the herbicides, the GMOs, and various pesticides and so on affect the devic and elemental kingdoms. I’m not sure that they have a direct impact, but I do assume that they in some ways impact the activity in terms of the growth of plants of the devas and elementals, and genetic modification in particular, I believe, is creating a disturbance, a kind of energetic, very deep layered disturbance in the structure and development of plant life on this planet.
On a similar topic, in a similar vein, the geoengineering, as it is called, the attempts to affect the weather through chem trails and HAARP and other interventions in the atmosphere are also affecting the work that the Sky Spirits do. I believe this is one reason among many that I’m now becoming sensitive to and conscious of the communication from the Sky Spirits. There is a message for humanity in relation to this so-called geoengineering in that we are manipulating forces that are far beyond our comprehension, that there is such a subtle—again—relationship between the various forces that make up the atmosphere, for instance. We are so far from understanding the implications of our own interventions in this, whether it’s from byproducts of industry—such as acid rain, CO2 production, and so on—or simply the introduction of new chemicals into the atmosphere which affect the makeup of what is normally established there.
I was approached at Stroud’s Run over a year ago by the Fairies there who are concerned with the whole question of fracking and the possibility of fracking there—that there needs to be a kind of general consciousness of human intervention in all of these delicate systems. It is true that the planet will long outlast humans should humans continue on a self-destructive path. Nevertheless, humans are having an impact on the nature of the planetary structures, and they can ceremonially and consciously reverse this impact. And this is one of the major messages in terms of what humans can actually do. They can first of all work on consciousness, on becoming aware of the impact they have on these various planetary structures. And they can ceremonially, consciously, spiritually, energetically engage in these interventions themselves and bring about more positive redistributions of power and energy. So in terms of the concern with environmental sustainability, there is a role humans can play in turning things around. But it would take concerted effort, concerted consciousness, concerted devotion.
This is something humans should begin meditating on, preparing themselves for, clearing intentions and their systems for. They can rethink and much more consciously as well as superconsciously engage with the environment as a structure of beings, entities, energies, systems that are very intricate.
That is all for now.
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