January 18, 2015
This is the Matakin. It is Sunday, 11:25 A.M. on I-70 going east.
Feel that swirl! You are suddenly in this big sky country yet again. But that’s not all that it is. As we have said before, there is the Spindle of Heaven to your left, to the north, just north of the village of Pocahontas. And that is a vortex. It is a portal as well. And it is a beacon of a sort that draws lots of beings to this particular part of the continent. Cahokia was a kind of welcoming station in relation to this. But the energy here is in fact of a different sort than is at Cahokia itself.
We wish to get back to the point we were making yesterday as you drove through—that there are many different modes of frequency and radiation energy working their way through the atmosphere and reaching your Planet. Some of these are created by the Planet: they rise up from the deep core and through the surface into the atmosphere and then are circulated around in the stratosphere and dropped back in a kind of circulatory exchange much like the evaporation and condensation of water through mist and rainfall.
But one of the aspects of energy-frequency-radiation that we drew your attention to yesterday and wish to reinforce today is that there are also frequencies, webs of energetic definition relating to time. There are Time Portals, in other words. There are temporal folds in the universe—a Wrinkle in Time, as Madeleine L’Engle put it in her amazing book—and these vortexes, these temporal vortexes that you can engage in allow you to travel first of all great distances in no time at all. It’s very much like the phenomenon of tesseract in the book you were having read to you.
![wrinkle ant](https://sacredsitesproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/wrinkle_in_time.png)
Beyond this, these temporal portals are exactly that: Time Portals that allow you to travel in time, to go to what in your experience would be “back in time” and what from your experience would be “forward in time.” This means that you have at your disposal many ways of engaging with experiences past and future as well as present, and learning and reworking certain experiences.
You also had the notion that grew out of this particular idea yesterday that someone could be reincarnated not simply in the near future but perhaps in the far future, in the far past as well—you could be reincarnated in the Middle Ages or five million years ago (as you now experience time)—but also you could be reincarnated in the same body, so to speak, the same circumstances, the same parents and location. The body is actually an extension of what happens in those circumstances, so it is not correct to say that you would be in the same body because that body would grow in a very different way according to different contingencies and impulsements. So we were suggesting that you consider meditating on this notion of vortexes of time, these temporal vortexes, and what that might mean, because not only will this open up practical possibilities but, intellectually speaking, this will allow a greater expanse of your conceptual capacity. You can literally take in whole new universes and dimensions in temporal terms as well as spatial terms.
So that was our primary message yesterday and today.
![wrinkle in time](https://sacredsitesproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/bbw-day-1-wrinkle.jpg)
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