March 20, 2016 — By Gabriel Hartley
I woke up around 4:30 this morning and was immediately bathing in the rush of excitement from my recent revelations concerning the role of Quetzalcoatl in this Age of Transition. After tossing and turning for about a half hour, I finally got up and did my yoga and pranayama exercises in order to be primed for the communication session I knew was about to unfold. And as I had intuited, as I dropped deeper and deeper into the other-worldly swoon of my pranayama sequence, I was contacted by Quetzalcoatl.

This communicative event began with very intense and releasing energy rushes that surged throughout my body. My entire being was being flushed and primed for this influx of new energy, and every cell in my body was scintillating. Then, after simple welcoming (warming up) words, Quetzalcoatl began speaking in a more directed manner as He-She led me through this introduction.
He-She first drew my attention to the rising sun (which still at this point at 6:51 A.M. has not really begun to light up the Eastern horizon—although it is very cloudy here in Southeastern Ohio this morning). I mentioned that I was facing westward, and He-She told me that I could draw my attention to that which lies behind me just as well as anything lying before me. In fact, He-She continued, this reversed direction of attention was perfect for the message I was receiving. And that message concerns the New Dawn of Quetzalcoatl.

For over a century now we have known that we are in a New Age of transition and growth. We are passing from one major period of planetary development—the Age of Pisces—into the New Age of Aquarius. And the herald of this New Dawn is Quetzalcoatl, the figure who embodies opposites. Quetzalcoatl, after all, is the feathered serpent. As feathered, He-She embodies the energy of the Bird Kingdom, the Bird Tribes as they soar through the heavens. As serpent, He-She embodies our chthonic relationship to Coatlicue, the serpent woman, our Earth Mother who is also the Mother of our deep awakening as we pass through the confrontation with our Shadow Self in the Underworld. In this way He-She embodies the dragon aspect of our being. Quetzalcoatl embodies all primary opposition: Light-Dark, Male-Female, Heavens-Earth, Black-White, Night-Day, and so—significantly—the Dawn of the New Day.
This New Day is the day of alignment, balance, reconciliation, and unity. The various systems of opposition that have kept us prisoners in a battle of differences are breaking down as the Planetary Soul learns to synthesize these oppositions into unities. This alchemical unity of opposites provides us with a new energy that can drive us into the future and take us out of our Illusion of Separation as we enter into this consciousness of cosmic unity. This is the New Dawn of Quetzalcoatl.

He-She then reminded me that today is the Spring Equinox, the day of Balance in the annual transition from Winter to Summer. This is the season of rebirth, of Easter, of renewal and hope. How appropriate, He-She exclaimed, that you make my acquaintance on such a propitious day just at the moment when the new day is dawning!
So I welcome this new year of growth and higher consciousness in this new relationship I have been welcomed into with Quetzalcoatl.
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