[From the Learning for Life Center Group Channel, Topeka, Kansas, July 8, 2013]
GABRIEL: Hi, Monitor. This is Gabriel and Anna calling from Athens, Ohio. First, we wish to thank you yet again for all the confirmation and guidance that you have provided us with in the past. Your help during our forced separation was crucial to our emotional and mental wellbeing. Our lives have been enriched through this process.
Our question this month concerns our new house in Athens. This house has immediately proven to be simultaneously very promising and very troubling. Its location is a primary obvious asset, set in amazing natural beauty while being still only 15 minutes from town and the university. Less obvious in any conventional sense, but equally important, is its location on 40 acres that include significant powerpoints and devic activity.
In fact, during his first evening visit to the house before even moving in, Gabriel felt an overwhelming Spirit presence that he recognized from other places in the past. He had earlier found this particular energy very frightening, recognizing its relationship to nonhuman inhabits and portals, but not knowing its purpose or intention. While initially very scared by the presence of this energy in the new house, he was quickly reassured that this energy was not only friendly but beneficent. As Gabriel began meditating in order to tune into this energy and learn about it, these beings introduced themselves as entities that in Europe have at times been identified as elves. They explained that if Gabriel could overcome this fear in their presence, he had much to gain in terms of Spirit knowledge.
Once Gabriel allowed this energy to wash over him, he began to recognize its importance. The powerpoints, portals, five-foot black snakes, and Spirits of the house and property are very promising, but the house itself is in horrible structural condition. As Gabriel was moving in, he noticed for the first time that the house had a basement and that the basement was filled with about a foot and a half of standing water that had become swamp-like. The water was already home to frogs and other water creatures. At Gabriel’s request, the landlord installed a sump pump and emptied the basement. But it remains extremely wet and filled with mud, mold, and creepy insects that crawl up into the house.
The landlord, at our insistence, now plans to clean and bleach the basement in order to kill the mold and insects and to try to reduce the intense cat urine odor that the moisture compounds. We are extremely excited about being able to live together again and feel that we have been led to move here, yet we remain uncomfortable with potential health hazards. We have been assured through dowsing and other means that the Spirit presence on the property will prove very important to us and that the conditions of the basement will not prove harmful to our health during our stay. For the highest good, would you please comment on the house and its surroundings and guide us as we decide whether it would be wise to stay here through the length of our lease, which ends next summer? Thank you.
MONITOR: We find that the house does need extra care and that you are wise to work constructively with the landlord to address those needs as you discover them. The basement does need true disinfecting, and that will require repetitive administrations of cleansing. One cleansing will likely not be sufficient because moisture will continue to seep into the basement. And therefore it will need to be thoroughly sealed to prevent that from occurring.
Your Mental Judge Self has felt a sense of fear in the presence of elves. The fear can be understood as you allow your Mental Judge Self to tell you what it fears. We do not see that as an obstacle but an opportunity for you to help your Mental Judge Self realize that the elves do have strong powers of mind, yet it can gain much from befriending the elves. The reaction of your Mental Judge Self is quite common among human beings.
The Outer Self is only disturbed to a small degree by the idea of other beings coexisting in the same space. The greater reaction comes from your Mental Judge Self. We suggest that you ask your Mental Judge Self to explain its concerns about the elves. Then ask it to talk directly with a leader of the elves so that a mutual agreement can be achieved for the benefit of all. The process should be quite simple and straightforward.

The house will require considerable fixing, and you are wise to work consistently with the landlord as you make further discoveries for repair. The location was selected as the two of you were guided by your High Selves and other beings to that location so that the two of you can document your experience with the elves and associated beings. The area represents not one, but three portals that are inter-dimensional pathways.
You will be able obtain a view of the elves and related beings concerning the use of portals and how they can be utilized even by humans. The use of a portal is similar to what is known as a vortex procedure in which a person is wise to first see that all aspects of Subconscious Selves feel safe and comfortable in exploring the use and qualities of a portal.
A period of attunement similar to meditation can occur in the periphery of a portal instead of the center. On the periphery, both Outer and Subconscious Selves can learn about the qualities and dimensions of the portal. The center should be avoided. A person can work with the High Self to guide exploration of portal dimensions.
We refer to dimensions that lead to higher planes of consciousness – etheric, astral, and mental – and also to alternate realities. With High Self guidance, a person can safely negotiate those dimensions and learn much. The two of you are being encouraged by your High Selves and Teachers to enjoy the adventures that are possible in that location and write extensive notes about your experiences.
Again, we emphasize the value of sharing your experiences with others through articles, papers, and ultimately books. You have already made a start in that direction. The location of your new residence will greatly add to what you have started.
GABRIEL: Thank you.
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