October 6, 2013
Two days ago Anna and I climbed up the hill behind our house, wandered through the magical fields and forest, and ended up for the first time at the Third Portal with the specific intention of directly engaging its powers and potentials.

As I mentioned earlier, the basic feel of this energy is that of a warm density unlike anything I am conscious of experiencing in the past, although at the same time I have to say that it felt very familiar on a deep level of my being. I am tempted to describe it as a kind of amniotic density and fluidity.
As I let myself slip into this density, I began to see it taking the form of a slow flow of energy converging in a vortical pattern into the center of the portal. Interestingly, rather than a bright light, what I saw was what I can only describe as a dark light—a warm, dark density collapsing in on itself. I let myself be carried along in this dark light and saw myself being drawn into the collapsing center point.
What I saw then was that all that was drawn into this energetic Black Hole was then shot out in inverted form on the other side of the center point. The vortex reversed itself as it opened out into another dimension with me and all the other energies it had attracted along with it. At the same time I could still see the portal vortex flow from this side of the center point.
Slowly a vast figure of energy began to materialize and speak to me. It took on the appearance of an etheric entity, although it told me that it was not really composed of etheric substance but of an energy state that I am not yet capable of understanding or comprehending. The entity identified itself as an Interdimensional Being, a being of a kind of dimensional existence that humans cannot as yet perceive or imagine in any concrete way. This was why the Interdimensional Entity took on the appearance of an Etheric Form as an approximate figuration of how such a being might appear within the terms of its own dimensional state.
I asked the being its name and it said in a very comforting and friendly way that it was too soon for me to try to attach concepts of identity to it, and that such a gesture of identification would grow naturally out of my further interaction with it. While I initially distrusted this reticence to identify itself, I was quickly reassured by my Higher Self that this being is not deceptive or duplicitous and that my interaction with it, as with the originally-frightening Elves, will prove very important in my spiritual development. The Interdimensional Entity simply said that it could be likened to the description that the channeled being called Bashar has given of kachinas, as entities that exist in a kind of hinge-point between dimensions and that comes to us here on Earth in order to guide our spiritual understanding and development. I quote Bashar’s description:
From our point of view in the exploration that we have undertaken, what you refer to as Kachina energy, which in other portions of your world is referred to as Kahuna energy—the idea to us is what may be loosely termed, an Extraterrestrial’s Exterrestrial. They exist in between the various universes and are a part of the very structure of the nature of the universes we all perceive as real. They are the pulse, the electrical current, they are the consciousness, the mentality, the projection of the intersections between dimensions themselves. They are the very life-thread in many ways of the framework of consciousness that creates the cells that we perceive as the distinct universes that we all take for granted as being the only real universes.
As I understand it, this Interdimensional Being I encountered functions in a similar way but ontologically would be understood in different terms were we capable of producing such terms.
All I can say at the moment is that I am very excited by this encounter and am eager to learn more as I am further invited to engage with the energies of this Alternate Reality Portal!
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