The Dragonheart Meditation enacts the unification of the heavens and the earth. The dragon is the magical being that embodies both the creature who flies through the air and the creature who crawls beneath the earth.
This unification of heaven and earth takes place through the transformative matrix of the heart, the creative vesica from out of which all creation springs and by means of which it expresses itself. In this way, humans—themselves creatures of the heavens and of earth—act as the bridge between the various realms and dimensions that make up existence.
I. The meditation begins in its First Stage by unifying the inner and outer worlds through the loving nature of the heart. You breathe in all the love in the universe into your own heart, transforming yourself within. Then you breathe out all your love back into the world. Inner and outer selves, inner and outer worlds are unified through this process. Love in—transformation—love out—transformation. This initial heart breath thus engages you in a process of unification, clarification, cleansing, expression, radiation, and light.
II. Having unified inner and outer love dimensions in Stage One, the DragonHeart Meditation now moves on to the Second Stage—the activation of the chakras and the raising of the kundalini from earth to cosmic consciousness. In a sitting posture, you begin grounding yourself as you breathe up from the earth into the root chakra. In this way you establish your connection to Gaia by drawing in the earth’s energy and love and nurturing power.
As you work your way up through the chakras you draw this Earth energy up and then release it through the crown chakra into the heavens. You then draw the energy of the universe back down into your chakra system from your eighth chakra as you surround yourself in a warm, protective golden light.
III. Having established this connection between heaven and earth through your own physical and etheric bodies in Stage Two, in the Third Stage you now emphasize this connection while simultaneously recharging your system in a more energetic breathing exercise. In a vigorous rhythm you draw the cosmic energy into your heart and root it in the earth, and then immediately draw the earth energy back up through your heart and up into the heavens as you silently chant, “Heaven to heart, heart to earth. Earth to heart, heart to heaven.”
As above, so below, all is lovingly transformed through this divine illumination via the heart. The Dragonheart Meditation reveals the transformative nature of your heart matrix as it engenders the dynamic unity of heaven and earth.