December 9, 2014
Here I am recording the experience I just had at Cahokia Mounds. This is Tuesday at 1:27 in the afternoon Central Time. And I just spent about the last half hour at the mounds on my way back to Ohio after a weekend in Kansas with Tori.
As usual, I went straight from the parking lot to what is referred to as the burnt pillars of the former stockade section—I’m not quite sure that’s exactly what it was. But I am often drawn to begin there my mound experience there, as Anna and I were when we first visited this complex almost three years ago now. As it turns out, Tuesdays are days when the park is closed. But luckily you can still be on the grounds. You just can’t go in the museum building, which is fine with me, having been here so many times now.
Next I went to the Twin Mounds across from the stockade. I began tuning into the energy of the first Twin Mound (Mound 60 or Fox Mound), the one to the east, which is the male energy mound, the flat-top mound opposite the rounded conical mound, which is the female energy. As I now see it, I was drawn to this mound to establish that male energy connection as a part of my path in this particular world. I then walked over to and stood at the vortex point (where the energies of the two mounds intersect in a vesica piscis) and went into Etheric vision, with the Mists of Avalon rising all around me as so often happens when I go into the Etheric mode.
As I was doing so, feeling the energy, letting the energy be channeled through me, I began to see various entities, lots of entities all over the grounds—I was facing south—with some very close to me, within ten or fifteen feet, others fifty feet, a hundred feet, some a few hundred feet away. They formed a wide series of concentric rings of beings who took this opportunity to encircle me as I engaged in this particular moment.
At this point I was then called down to Mound 72, which I haven’t visited again in quite some time after having some very powerful visions there. I then realized that I had been urged to go to the Twin Mounds in order to ground myself in that energy, the male energy that I am identified with in this lifetime, the fusion of those in the vortex, in the vesica—and with the power of those energies I was then able to go down and once more confront the Birdman of Cahokia, the sacrificial priest of Mound 72 who had been buried there with several young females. As I went down there I felt that this was definitely what I was called here to do.
I was called to read the explanatory sign once again, which I originally was going to ignore, having read it so many times before. But this time I noticed a little paragraph towards the bottom that talked about the alignment of the mound.
The particular angle of the mound is set perfectly for sunrise during the Winter Solstice and sunset during the Summer Solstice. So I walked to the southeastern corner of the mound and climbed up onto that southeastern point and stood facing the southeast, the direction of the Winter Solstice sunrise. Especially given that I’m called on again to carry out the Winter Solstice sunrise ceremony for the People from Below in this moment of Emergence into the Fifth World, I could tell that this was a very important point for me.
As I was standing on the mound I then became very enraptured by the energies of the place and felt myself expand throughout that energetic field. Again the mist rose, a very thick mist this time, exactly as in the movie The Mists of Avalon. They were so dense that I could not really see through all of the mist to the woods before me. The woods, by the way, are filled with fairies—this is a very powerful fairy spot, and has been for much longer than humans have been on this planet. They have been very important in some of the stages of development of various cultures at Cahokia in the past.
As I was facing the Winter Solstice point and just going into the Etheric vision, again I could see many, many beings standing before me and could feel them in a ring around me and throughout the woods.
The birds, by the way—the starlings, I believe they were, or swallows, who fly in these murmuration patterns—had been swooping all around, and I realized that they were actually the ones who had drawn my attention to Mound 72 when I was at the Twin Mounds. They flew around me and then landed in the trees in front of me, staying in front of me like witnesses or supporters the entire time I was down at Mound 72. They were chattering away, singing and chirping while I was engaged in this particular ceremony.
I could see all of the fairies and various other beings. And as I was looking at the beings, allowing myself to see more clearly what these various entities might look like, suddenly a funnel of spiral energy opened up from the base of the mound where I was standing on perhaps a 30º angle from the incline of the earth, an angle that would probably match up with a particular moment of the sunrise on the Winter Solstice.
But the peculiar thing about the spiral was that while I could see the energies rotating in a spiral pattern, I also very clearly saw this turn into a stairway. I could see the steps reaching off into the heavens, which was peculiar for me. I’ve never seen anything quite like that before. And as I was looking at the stairway I then could see beings, probably hundreds or more, entities, energetic beings just walking up and down the stairway that was connecting the mound to the heavens in a dramatic way.
And at that point I was reminded of the Emergence and the Solstice and also that in Pueblo tradition the Kachinas come and go on the Solstices. I realized that this was a universal vision for the Winter Solstice, what the Hopi refer to as the Soyal Ceremony. I could see various beings coming down from the heavens on the stairway to the Earth. And I could then see them walk right through me as they passed along the ridge of Mound 72 and then walk up another stairway to heaven towards the northeast from that opposite corner of the mound (the coordinate point marked by the San Francisco Peaks in Arizona), now re-ascending for the Summer Solstice.
After seeing the Kachinas and other beings ascend back into the heavens, I knew my ceremony was over, that my vision had come to its conclusion, and that it was time to give my thanks to the spirits of Cahokia for allowing me one more chance to see into the magical dynamics of its past and to prepare for my greeting ceremony for the People from Below on the coming Winter Solstice.
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